Opportunity Responses

Posted over 1 year ago by Melissa Fitzgerald

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Melissa Fitzgerald

Hi -

When a volunteer views their opportunity responses, there are two date columns. One of the date columns lists the date the opportunity was added, and the other date column is the actual date of the opportunity. Would love to see an option to remove or hide the date added column. It is irrelevant information for our purposes and can sometimes confuse a volunteer. 


4 Votes



Ryan Rose posted about 1 year ago Admin

Hi Melissa,

Thank you for taking the time to post on our forum.

We definitely understand the demand for filtering options, and I am more than happy to share this idea with our team to consider for implementation.

Your ideas help shape our future software updates to continue improving every user's experience.

Please continue to share any further ideas, and, again, I appreciate your time!

All the best,
Ryan R. | he/him
Data Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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