Program Manager - Limited Search Options

Posted about 1 month ago by Morgan Green-Griffin

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Morgan Green-Griffin

The User Filter options in the Program Manager view are vastly different from the options in the Site Manager area. One option we NEED in the Program Manager area is the ability to search by Month of Birth. Currently, that option is only available to Site Managers. This search option is essential for one of our methods of appreciation - birthday cards.

I understand in the meantime that Site Managers can run the report for Program Managers, but it really seems strange that the option isn't available to Program Managers. And it also means having to download spreadsheets with PII and email them to others - which is a security concern. 

The vastly different features between the two levels of access has led drastically increased the workload for Site Managers since we switched to Galaxy Digital. Our previously autonomous programs now need so much intervention from us. Seems like the Month of Birth search option would be an easy thing for y'all to fix.  

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