Reports Glossary for Site Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Jul 26 at 9:06 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site ManagersIf you're an Advanced Program Manager, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here. 

Wondering what each of those reports on your site is about? Here you can find descriptions for each report available to you! To learn more about exporting, filtering, or finding these reports on your site, click here. We've separated the reports by the categories in which they appear on your site. 

So you know: If you favorite a report, it appears at the top in a Favorites category. We don't cover Custom or Favorites in the glossary, since what appears in those categories is dependent on each organization's individual reporting needs. 

Standard Reports


Report TitleDescription

Attendance Report

Do you need to see who attended specific shifts for your volunteer Opportunities? With this report, you can see who attended and check the hours they submitted too! 

Opportunity Metrics

Want to check in on your Opportunities? This report details how your Opportunities are doing so you can see which ones have the most volunteer engagement and which ones may need some attention. 

Volunteer Hours Logged

This report shows you the impact your volunteers have made in the community! See who responded to which Opportunity and the hours they submitted for them! The Source column in this report shows you how an hour was submitted and who submitted it.

Details of Individual Hours

Here you can find details about individual hours submitted to your site—the hours that weren't associated with a specific volunteer Opportunity. 
Opportunities SummaryThis report gives you a breakdown of how much interaction your Opportunities have received within a selected month. 

Opportunities Added

Here you can view information about Opportunities that were added to your site within a selected date range. 

Opportunities Viewed 

Want to see how many views your Opportunities have received within a selected date range? This is great for determining which Opportunities may need a bit of promotion to boost volunteer awareness and engagement. 

Opportunity Responses by Initiative

Here you can view all responses to Opportunities within a specific Initiative. 

Initiative Summary

Want to review data about your site's Initiatives? This is the report for you! You can check how many responses an Initiative has and how many separate users responded too! 

Today's Shifts

Do you need to see who's volunteering today or within a specific date range? You can see how many shifts have been filled, which shifts need more volunteers, who have responded, and even who's available! 

Shift Attendance

This report gives you a detailed breakdown of responses submitted for shifts within a specific date range. You can also see hours that were submitted when a volunteer checked in to a shift or that they logged manually. 

Volunteer Hours Summary

Here you can find a summary of individual volunteer hours submitted to your site. This report includes the volunteers' names, emails, and hours reported. It's a great way to review how much time your volunteers have contributed individually to your organization! 
Hours by User GroupThis report shows you how many hours your user groups have contributed to your organization! You can use this report to determine which user groups are the most active and which might need a little encouragement for more engagement. 
FEMA: Volunteer Data for Reimbursement This report captures important details about volunteer contributions during disasters and is intended to provide key information for reimbursement by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 
Virtual Opportunities Here you can review details about your Virtual Opportunities, like hours, responses, and status!  


Report TitleDescription

Custom Registration Question Metrics

Curious about the volunteer responses to your custom registration questions? This report shows you how many volunteers have responded to your custom registration questions and their responses too!  

Qualification Status Review

Here you can review the statuses of qualifications submitted on your site! You can see who submitted a qualification, their contact information, their response, and the status of it. This is great for reviewing who's currently qualified and who might need to resubmit a qualification. 

User Group Member Metrics

This report is great for reviewing important metrics about your user groups. You can see who your user group leaders are, which Opportunities are the most popular and most viewed by the user groups they're assigned to, and which volunteer has the most hours and responses for their assigned user group. 

Top 50 User Group Prospects

This report shows you which email domains are the most common on your site that aren't already assigned to a user group. You can then determine which users might be potential prospects for a new user group! 
Name Tags/Badges for PrintingYou can export this list to a spreadsheet to then print name tags for your volunteers! 

Hours by Favorite Program

This report was designed for Dollars for Doers. Volunteers can only specify their favorite Programs if you've enabled that field as part of their profile setup. 

New Users Added

Here you can see which days saw the most new volunteer signups on your site! 

Users by Zip Code

This report lets you see where your volunteers are located. This can help you pair volunteers with Opportunities in their area! 

Time From Registration to Response

Are you curious about how long it takes for a new user to respond to an Opportunity? This report shows you that data, which is great for better understanding how quickly your volunteers interact with Opportunities on your site once they've signed up!
Note: The numbers shown in the columns of this report include deleted users and responses. 
  • 0 days - Users responded to an Opportunity on the same day they created an account
  • 7 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 1 to 7 days after creating an account
  • 14 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 8 to 14 days after creating an account
  • 30 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 15 - 30 days after creating an account
  • 60 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 31 - 60 days after creating an account
  • 90 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 61 - 90 days after creating an account
  • 180 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 91 - 180 days after creating an account
  • 365 days - Users responded to an Opportunity 181 - 365 days after creating an account

Repeat Volunteerism Totals

Here you can find information about how many times volunteers respond to your Opportunities! 

Repeat Volunteerism User List

This report shows you data for volunteers with multiple responses to your Opportunities—great for seeing how active your volunteers are and who keeps coming back to contribute to your organization! 
User Group Summary
Want to compare data about your user groups? This is the report for you! 
User Qualification SummaryThis report gives you a quick summary of your qualifications. It includes the number of volunteers with active, pending, or expired answers to the qualifications, the number of Opportunities with qualifications, and more! 
Top 50 VolunteersThis report shows you the top 50 volunteers that have responded to the most Opportunities. This report is great for celebrating your most active volunteers! 


Report TitleDescription

Responses Submitted by Program

This report lets you review which Program's Opportunities is the most popular. You could use this information to mimic the success of that Program's Opportunities with others. 

Program Activity

Here you can see which Programs are very active on your site and which might need some encouragement. 

Program Summary

Want to know when a Program was last updated and how well they're doing? This report can help with that! 

Programs Added 

Want to see when a Program was added and the number of Opportunities it's posted? This report can help with that! 
Programs ViewedThis report can give you an idea of which Programs draw the most attention from visitors to your site. If one Program has more views than the others, you might consider updating the ones with fewer views to try and boost engagement. 


Report TitleDescription

Events RSVP

Want to see which events are receiving the most attention from your volunteers? This report shows you the number of "Yes", "No", and "Maybe" RSVPs your events have received! 

Connection Reports

Report TitleDescription

Donations by User

This report lets you view all the user donations made on all sites connected to your own. It includes the user's information, the site domain they donated on, how much they donated, and more! 

Donations by Domain

Here you can see the number of donations made to your site from each site connected to it. 

Program by Domain

This report displays your Programs' performance on each of the sites connected to yours. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Opportunities by Domain

This report displays stats for your Opportunities and it shows how they're performing on sites connected to yours. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Opportunity Report

This report lets you find performance data on Opportunities in specific portals. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Users by Domain

Use this report to find data about users on each of the sites connected to yours. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

User Report

Use this report to see data users and what actions they've taken on specific portals—e.g., Opportunities they've responded to, interests they've selected on their profiles, etc.
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Event Report

Here you can find data on Events in specific portals. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Program Report

You can see how specific agencies are performing on specific portals with this report! 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Community Impact Area

This report displays data about your community impact areas across all sites connected to your platform. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

Events by Domain

Here you can find Event data by site connection domain. 
  • This report may or may not be available on your site—its availability depends on your current site connections.

External CRM Reports

So you know: These reports were created to make it easier to export data from your site to import into another CRM, like Raiser's Edge or other Blackbaud products. These reports only pull data specific to your site.  

Report TitleDescription

Constituent Import Data

This report exports data about users in your system and formats them for import into Blackbaud. The Import ID is the Connect ID, and the Constituent ID is the External ID. 

Constituent Address Import Data

This report exports data about relevant address information for all users on your site. The Import ID is the Connect ID.  

Constituent Organization Import Data

This report exports data about all information relevant to a user's company for all users on your site. The Import ID is the Connect ID and the Constituent ID is the Reference ID. 

Constituent Code Import Data

This report exports all of the users on your site so they can be imported as "Volunteers". The Import ID is the Connect ID and the Constituent ID is the Reference ID. 
Time Sheet Import DataThis report exports all the hours data from your site. The Constituent Import ID is the user's Connect ID, the Time Sheet Import ID is the Hour ID, the Job Import ID is the Opportunity ID, and the Department is the Program they volunteered with. The location is pulled from the address information for the Opportunity. All hours are given an "individual" value for VolType, and the Category is the Program ID. 

Job Import Data

The report exports all of the Opportunities on your site. The Job Category is the Program Name. Completed status is determined by whether or not the Opportunity has ended. The Job Import ID is the Opportunity ID. All jobs are assigned a Volunteer Type of "Individual".

Constituents Data

This report pulls all active users in your system and formats them for import into eTapestry. The Account Numbers field is drawn from the External ID. We recommend that you add the Volunteer Field Set to your system.

Hours Data

This report pulls all non-inactive, non-denied hours in your system so that they can be imported as a Volunteer entry type of Journal. The Account Numbers field is drawn from the External ID. The Project and Subject are both based on the Opportunity title. The Location is based on the address. We recommend that you add the Volunteer Field Set to your system.

Activity Reports

Report TitleDescription

Daily Activity

Want to see specific data about your site's daily activities within a specific time range? This is the report for you! You can see how many new Program Opportunities were submitted to your site, how many views your Programs have received, the number of new users, and more! 

Monthly Activity 

This report lets you quickly view your site's activities for any specific calendar month! 

Quarterly Activity

This report lets you quickly view your site's activities for a specific quarter! 

Activity by Week

This report shows your site's activity from the first week your site went online and on! 
Activity by WeekdayThis report shows you which days your site is the most active. This is great for planning social media announcements to boost volunteer engagement or share news and updates! 

Activity by Skill

Want to know which skills are the most important to your community? This is the report for you! 

Data Explorers


Your Program Data Explorer report shows you: 

  • How active your Programs are and which ones might need encouragement to boost volunteer engagement. 
  • Up to one year's worth of data at a time—which you can filter the specific date range you want to review. 
  • Important details about the Programs on your site!


Your Opportunity Data Explorer report shows you: 

  • How your Opportunities are doing! 
  • Up to one year's worth of data at a time—which can be filtered to a specific date range. 
  • Important details about the Opportunities on your site!


Your User Data Explorer report shows you: 

  • How active your volunteers are on your site. 
  • Important data about the users on your site. 


Your Response Data Explorer report lets you review responses to your organization's Opportunities—including who responded, what Program the Opportunity is associated with, response status, and more! 


Your Hours Data Explorer report details the volunteer hours submitted to your site! 


Want to see a breakdown of who has donated to your organization and the status of their donation? The Donation Data Explorer can help with that!


Want to see how many RSVPs have been submitted for your events? Your Event Data Explorer includes important details about your events, what Program it's associated with, the status, the number of RSVPs, and more! 


Want to see who has submitted RSVPs for your events? Check out your RSVP Data Explorer for that information and more! 

Want to learn more? Click here for more details about Data Explorers!