Rotator Images, Homepage Images, and Program Images: A Guide for Site Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Jul 5 at 4:50 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Adding images to your site is a great way to highlight what your Organization does in your community. With the Rotator Images tool, you can upload as many images and photos to your site as you like and include links to the images in the rotator. Another way to personalize your site is by adding a home page image and uploading images to your Programs! Here, we cover: 

What are Rotator Images? 

Rotator Images is a tool that lets you upload images that cycle through a rotation. Visitors to your site can click through them or watch them like a slideshow. These are great for:

  • Highlighting important pages on your site
  • Showcasing volunteer opportunities
  • Sharing upcoming events

While you can upload as many images or photos as you like, we recommend only uploading between 10-12 images. This ensures that the most important information isn't buried in the slideshow. 

Size requirements

Images must be 1000px by 600px. We love using and recommending Canva; however, you can use any photo editor for resizing images before uploading. 

How do I add images? 

To access Rotator Images:

1. Go to Settings > Rotator Images

✏️ Quick tip: Don't forget to resize your images to 1000px by 600px

2. Click Upload Image

3. Either double-click the image you want to upload or select it and click Open

4. To include a URL, copy and paste one in the Target URL field. 5. Select Add New Image and your new image appears on the main dashboard of your site:

How do I edit my images? 

You can always remove, re-order, or edit the image URLs. If you have a lot of events or Opportunities, you may need to update this frequently, since the rotator images are on the main dashboard when a volunteer logs into your site. 

How to remove images

1. Go to Settings > Rotator Images

2. Click the (X) under Delete beside the image you wish to remove. 

How to re-order images

1. Click and drag the three lines to the left of each image. 

2. You can reorder them by clicking and dragging them to wherever you want them in the slideshow lineup. 

How to edit an image URL

1. Click Edit to the right of the image—under Target URL

2. Paste the URL in the field that appears.

3. Click Update to save your changes. 

How to upload home page images

Rotator Images are great for highlighting important information on your site, but you can also personalize your home page and Programs with images!

How to add an image to your home page

You can add an image to your home page from your main site settings: 

1. Go to Settings > Main Settings > Site Design.

2. Under Site Design, scroll down to Home Page

3. Click Choose File beside Home Page Image and either double-click the image you want to upload or select it and Open

4. Be sure to click Update Settings to save your changes! 

  • The home page image appears under the site banner on the front end of your site when a user signs up or logs in. 

✏️ Quick tip: You can remove or update the image by checking the box under the image that says check to remove image and then click Update Settings to save those changes.

Include a map in place of an image

If you'd rather have a map instead of an image on the home page, include the address of your Organization in the Home Page Maps fields. 

How to add images to a Program

You can also personalize your Programs with images. This is a great way to show your organization's story and illustrate what users can expect from volunteering for an Opportunity with one of your Programs! You must create a program before you can add any images to it. 

To start personalizing your Programs with images: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Programs. 

2. Select the program you want to add images to from the table. 

3. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Program page until you see Photos

4. Either click Add New Photo or drag and drop the files you wish to upload from your desktop. 

5. If you click Add New Photo, you can either double-click the photo you want to upload or select it and click Open

6. A pop-up appears, asking you to refresh your page. Select Refresh Now to view or remove your photos. Be sure to save any changes you made to that program before you refresh the page! 

So you know: Your Program photos are displayed in a slideshow on the Program's profile page under the Program's Opportunities: