How to Add Site Managers and Change User Role Types

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Jul 19 at 11:26 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. If you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Programs, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

You can add Site Managers, Advanced Program Managers, or Program Facilitators to your site. Each role has separate capabilities and limitations. For example, you and other Site Managers are the only user types that can make changes to a site's settings or branding. To update a user's role, visit the Users area of your site. 

How to make someone a Site Manager

To make a user a Site Manager:  

1. Go to Volunteerism > Users:

3. Select a user's name in the table. 

  • From this page, you can also add a new user or search for a user:

4. Scroll down to User Type under Basic Information and select the role you want to assign to them from the dropdown.

Best practice: If you make someone a Site Manager, you may want to contact support for additional training resources.

5. Click the Update Basic Information button to save your changes: 

✏️ Quick tip: Follow these same steps to change a user's role to Program Manager, Program Facilitator, or back to User. 

How to add Program Managers and Facilitators

To change a user's role from User to Advanced Program Manager or Program Facilitator, follow the same steps you'd take to make someone a Site Manager

  • When you change a user to a Program Manager or Program Facilitator, a dropdown menu appears for you to select and assign them to a Program. 
  • You can assign them to more than one Program before saving your changes.

Video resource

Here's a video that walks you through the steps for changing a user's role to Program Facilitator which are the same steps for changing them to an Advanced Program Manager!