How to Edit Programs as an Advanced Program Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Fri, Sep 13 at 10:06 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Advanced Program Managers. If you're a Site Managerclick here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your programs, click here. 

Now that you're an advanced program manager, you can edit and update the Programs you manage whenever you need to.  You can change the Program's name, location information, logo, photos, descriptions, and more! Here we cover: 

How to edit your programs

To edit a program, go to Volunteerism > Edit Program from your dashboard. So you know: If you manage more than one Program, go to My Programs from your main menu bar and select the Program from the dropdown you need to edit. 

Remove program facilitators

The steps to remove program facilitators are the same as removing an advanced program manager. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Edit Program

2. Click the X beside the name of the program facilitator you want to remove from your Program. They can only be reassigned to your Program by a site manager. 

To update your Program's logo: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Edit Program

2. Have your logo ready to upload with the image at least 540px by 540px in size. 

3. Click Upload Logo, select your image, and either double-click the file or click Open✏️ Quick tip: If you don't see your logo after you upload it, you may need to clear your cache. 

Update program information

Did your Program's location change? Do you need to update your Program's name, unique URL, the causes associated to it, etc.? You can edit and update the Program you manage at anytime right from the Edit Program area of your dashboard! 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Edit Program

2. Update any of the information in the available fields that you need to update. 

3. Be sure to always click Submit Program to save your changes! 

Add photos

Do you want to highlight your Program's mission in stories or share images from one of your awesome volunteer opportunities? You can personalize your Programs with images by uploading them to your Edit Program area. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Edit Program

2. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see Photos

3. Click Add New Photo and start personalizing your Program's profile page! ✏️Quick tip: You can also personalize your Program's profile page with images in the Descriptions field. 

Here is an example of what the Program's profile page looks like on the front end to volunteers visiting the site!