Opportunity FAQ for Site Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Jul 9 at 5:05 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Click here if you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for more information about managing your Opportunities. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for more information about reviewing your Opportunities, click here.

Here are a few commonly asked questions and answers about Opportunities: 

Q. How do I add multiple recurring shifts? 

You can add multiple recurring shifts to an Opportunity that has the duration type of recurring shifts assigned. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Click the Opportunity Title from the table that has recurring shifts assigned. 

3. Select Edit Shifts

4. Click Add Shifts

5. Select Recurring Shifts from the dropdown for Duration

6. Add the recurring shifts you need for that Opportunity.

7. Be sure to click Save Updates to Shifts when you're done to save your changes! 

So you know: You can add shifts a maximum of 13 months in advance; however, we recommend only scheduling shifts out 3-6 months in advance. If you schedule them out 3-6 months in advance, it improves the volunteer experience and helps limit any future scheduling conflicts.  

Q. Can I bulk-edit shifts? 

Do you need to add, edit, or delete shifts for Opportunities with custom or recurring shifts? You can individually or bulk-edit them and schedule volunteers as needed!

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities.

2. Click the Opportunity Title that has custom or recurring shifts assigned.

3. Select the Edit Shifts tab beside Edit Opportunity.

4. From here, you can:  

  • Add shifts 
  • Delete shifts
  • Edit shifts
  • Review shift information
  • Schedule volunteers

How to edit shifts in bulk

To delete, edit, or schedule volunteers for shifts in bulk, check the box beside Shift Begins or check the box beside each shift that you want to edit in bulk. Then select which action you need to take. 

How to edit shifts individually

If you want to edit shifts individually, you can click the pencil icon under Options for the shift you want to edit. 

  • You can also go to Volunteerism > Opportunities and click the Opportunity Title that has custom shifts assigned. 
  • From there, scroll to where it says Shift Date/Time and you can add shifts. 

How to delete individual shifts

You can delete shifts if you need to. You can delete them in bulk or individually. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities and click on the Opportunity Title with custom or recurring shifts that you want to delete. 

2. Go to the Edit Shifts tab beside Edit Opportunity. 

2. You can click the (X) under Options in the table for the shift(s) you want to delete. 

3. A warning pops up—click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 

So you know: When you delete shifts from this area of the site, it also deletes any volunteer responses associated with that shift and Opportunity. You can opt to notify respondents by deleting shifts from the Update Opportunity area of your site.  

How to delete shifts and notify respondents of this update

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities and click on the Opportunity Title with custom or recurring shifts that you want to delete.  

2. On the Update Opportunity page, scroll until you see the blue Add Shift button. 

3. Click the (X) to the left of the shifts you want to delete. 

4. Don't forget to click Update Opportunity to save your changes! 

  • To notify volunteers of this update, check the box beside Notify respondents of this update?—especially if volunteers have already responded to an Opportunity.

How to delete shifts in bulk 

If you want to delete shifts in bulk, you can from the Edit Shifts tab: 

  • Check the box to the left of Shift Begins to select all shifts:

  • Check the boxes to the left of the individual shifts you want to delete.
  • Once you've made your selection, click Delete Selected Shifts to delete them in bulk. 

So you know: When you delete shifts from this area of the site, it also deletes any volunteer responses associated with that shift and Opportunity. 

Q. How can I make an Opportunity virtual?

Do you have Opportunities that can be completed from home or on a computer? You might want to make an Opportunity virtual if volunteers can accomplish those tasks from home or some other location. You can update an Opportunity to make it virtual at any time.

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities.

2. Select the Opportunity Title from the table that you want to update.

3. Scroll down until you see Virtual Opportunity? and select Yes to make it a virtual Opportunity.

4. Don't forget to click Update Opportunity to save your changes! 

Q. How can I promote my Opportunities? 

There are several ways for you to promote your Opportunities! 

To find your Opportunity link so you can start sharing and promoting those awesome volunteer Opportunities with your community: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title from the table that you want to get the link for. 

3. Copy the link beside Opportunity Link on the righthand side of the page and share away! 

Q. Can I create an Opportunity without a Program? 

You need to create a Program before you can create and post volunteer Opportunities. You can decide what programming looks like on your site. Programs can be location-specific, task-specific, or even goal-specific, etc. We like to say that Programs and Opportunities are structured like a house: 

Q. How do I change the duration of my Opportunity? 

Depending on the duration type assigned to an Opportunity, you can just change it directly from the Opportunity's settings; however, for some duration types, you have to take a few extra steps. 

How to update an existing Opportunity

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities. 

2. Click on the Opportunity Title—make sure it isn't one with scheduled shifts3. Scroll until you see Duration and select from the dropdown options the new duration you want to apply4. Be sure to click Update Opportunity to save your changes!

✏️ Quick tip: You may want to notify respondents of this update—especially if volunteers have already responded to the Opportunity. Just check the box beside Notify respondents of this update? before you click Update Opportunity

How to clone an Opportunity with shifts

While you can't use the same process to update an Opportunity with custom or recurring shifts, you can either create a new Opportunity or clone an already existing one. To clone an existing Opportunity so that you can change the duration type: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities.

2. Click the Opportunity Title for the Opportunity you want to update.

3. Scroll until you see Clone Opportunity beside the red Deactivate Opportunity button and click it.4. A warning pops up—click Yes to continue or No to cancel.5. Clicking yes takes you to the Create Opportunity page where you can scroll to Duration and make your selections. 

  • The settings for the existing Opportunity auto-populate, but you can make any necessary changes to it from here.

6. Be sure to click Create Opportunity to save those changes!

How to expire flexible Opportunities  

You can expire an Opportunity with a flexible duration type and make it so that it isn't visible to volunteers. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title that has a flexible duration type. 

3. Scroll until you see Opportunity Expiration Date

So you know: Some sites have language overrides in place, so you might see Need in place of Opportunity. You can always request a language override by contacting our Customer Experience Team

4. Change the expiration date by backdating it to when you want it to show expired.

5. Now it won't appear in the table on the Opportunities page unless you click the red Show Opportunities button. 

  • Volunteers won't be able to see the Opportunity once it's expired. 

Q. What is a private Opportunity? 

You can create a private Opportunity that is only accessible to those you assign to it or share it with. It won't be publicly displayed on the front end of the site unless a volunteer has been assigned to it. Then, they can view that Opportunity, but it has a lock icon that informs them it's a private Opportunity. 

How can volunteers access private Opportunities?

Volunteers can access private Opportunities by a shared link or if they're part of a User Group that you assign the private Opportunity to. This makes these Opportunities viewable to only those specific volunteers you share them with or assign them to.  

  • You can find the link to the private Opportunity on the Update Opportunity page: 
  • You can also add a User Group to the private Opportunity at the bottom of the Update Opportunity page: 

So you know: You can also assign a private Opportunity to a User Group when creating one. 

Q. How do I cancel an Opportunity? 

If you need to cancel an Opportunity you can always close it by changing its status from Active to InactiveThis makes it so the Opportunity is no longer accessible to volunteers at the front end of your site. It also makes responses for that Opportunity inactive. 

Q. How do I bulk edit Opportunities? 

Do you want to quickly make updates to several Opportunities at once? You can with the bulk actions option. To get started, go to Volunteerism > Opportunities. This is where you can access and manage bulk actions for your site's Opportunities. To access the dropdown list of bulk actions you can apply, click Actions for Selected Opportunities

Bulk actions for Opportunities

When you click on the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown on the Opportunities page, you are presented with several bulk actions you can take: 

Make Opportunities private in bulk

You can set several Opportunities to private at once. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Make Private.

4. Click Make Opportunities Private to finish.  

Make Opportunities private and assign to a User Group in bulk

You can set several Opportunities to private and assign them to a user group at once. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Make Private and Assign to a User Group.

4. Select which user group to assign the Opportunity to with the dropdown. 

5. Click Make Private and Assign to User Group to finish. 

Make Opportunities public in bulk

You can change several private Opportunities to public at once. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Make Public.

4. Click Make Opportunities Public to finish. 

Assign or remove Opportunities from a User Group in bulk

Do you want to quickly assign or remove several Opportunities from a user group? You can with the bulk actions option. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Assign or Remove User Group.

4. Select which action you wish to take: 

  • If you want to assign the Opportunities to a user group, select Assign to the following user group and pick which user group to assign them to with the dropdown. 

  • If you want to remove the Opportunities from a user group, select Remove from the following user group and pick which user group to remove them from with the dropdown. 

5. Click Update User Groups to finish. 

Assign or remove Opportunities from an Initiative in bulk

Do you want to quickly assign or remove several Opportunities from an Initiative? You can with the bulk actions option. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Assign or Remove Initiative.

4. Select which action you wish to take: 

  • If you want to assign the Opportunities to a user group, select Assign to the following initiative and pick which Initiative to assign them to with the dropdown. 

  • If you want to remove the Opportunities from a user group, select Remove from the assigned initiative.

5. Click Update Initiative to finish.

Assign or remove Opportunities from a Qualification in bulk

Do you want to quickly assign or remove several Opportunities from a Qualification? You can with the bulk actions option. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Assign or Remove Qualification.

4. Select which action you wish to take: 

  • If you want to assign the Opportunities to a user group, select Assign to the following qualification and pick which Qualification to assign them to with the dropdown. 

  • If you want to remove the Opportunities from a user group, select Remove from the assigned qualification and pick which Qualification to remove them from with the dropdown. 

5. Click Update Opportunities to finish.

Deactivate Opportunities in bulk

Do you want to deactivate several Opportunities in one go? You can with the bulk actions. To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Check the boxes beside the Opportunities you want to edit in bulk. 

  • You can select all by checking the box at the top of the table. 

3. Using the Actions for Selected Opportunities dropdown, select Deactivate.

4. Click Deactivate Selected to finish. 

So you know: We don't recommend deactivating an Opportunity if it already has responses and submitted hours. Deactivating an Opportunity can interfere with your reporting and data.