How to Edit Shifts as an Advanced Program Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Aug 1 at 2:36 PM by Brittany Crow

 Heads up! This article is intended for Advanced Program Managers. If you're a Site Manager, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing Opportunities, click here.  

After creating your awesome Opportunities, you might need to make some updates or adjustments. No worries! You can always edit the shifts you've added for an Opportunity and notify respondents of those changes when you do! Here we cover: 

How can I edit shifts? 

Do you need to add, delete, or edit shifts that you've created for Opportunities in your Programs? You can do this right from the Opportunities area of your dashboard! 

How do I add shifts to an Opportunity?

To add shifts to an existing Opportunity: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities.2. Select the Opportunity Title that you want to add shifts to. 3. Select the Edit Shifts tab. 

So you know: The Edit Shifts tab only appears for Opportunities created with shifts. 

4. Click Add Shifts.5. Fill out the Add Shifts form and click Save Updates To Shifts when you're done! 

So you know: You can add shifts a maximum of 13 months in advance; however, we recommend only scheduling shifts out 3-6 months in advance. If you schedule them out 3-6 months in advance, it improves the volunteer experience and helps limit any future scheduling conflicts. 

How do I delete shifts?

How do I delete individual shifts? 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title

3. Select the Edit Shifts tab. 

4. Click the (X) under the Options column for the shift you want to remove. 


How do I delete shifts in bulk? 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title

3. Select the Edit Shifts tab. 

4. Check the boxes beside the shifts you want to delete and click Delete Selected Shifts5. A warning appears to confirm that you want to delete those shifts—click Yes to delete or No to cancel.      

So you know: All of the responses for a shift are deleted when you remove or delete a shift. 


How do I edit shifts? 

How do I edit individual shifts? 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title

3. Select the Edit Shifts tab. 

4. Click the pencil icon in the Options column for the shift you want to edit. 5. Make the edits you want for that shift.

  • We recommend checking the box beside Notify respondents of this update? before you click Submit Shift

6. When you're ready, click Submit Shift to finish!      

How do I edit shifts in bulk?

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title

3. Select the Edit Shifts tab.

4. Check the boxes beside the shifts you want to edit and click Edit Selected Shifts

5. Check the box beside the fields you want to update and make the necessary changes. 

  • We recommend checking the box beside Notify respondents of this update? before you click Update Shifts

6. When you're ready, click Update Shifts to finish! 

What if I need to remove a response from a shift?

If you need to remove a response for a shift, then you can do so from the Edit Shifts area as well!

1. Go to Volunteerism > Opportunities

2. Select the Opportunity Title you need to edit. 

3. Select the Edit Shifts tab. 

4. Click the number for the shift under the Responses column. 5. Click the (X) icon under the Options column in the Responses popup for the responses you want to remove for that shift.

So you know: You can also add default hours, export the listed responses, and message the listed respondents from this area!