How to Manage Opportunity Responses as a Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jul 10 at 11:06 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers. Click here if you're an Advanced Program Manager looking for information about managing your Opportunities. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for more information about reviewing your Opportunities, click here.  

You've posted some awesome Opportunities on your site and volunteers have started responding to them—now what? You can manage those responses from the Responses area of your site! From the Responses area, you can see who has submitted a response and when, and what Opportunity they've responded to.  Here we cover:


How to manage responses

To get started, go to Volunteerism > Responses from your dashboard. 

  • From here you can: 
    • Add, edit, or review Opportunity responses
    • Add default hours in bulk or individually
    • Export responses data
    • Filter the table to see the information you need
    • Filter the responses by date range
    • Email your volunteers directly

How to add a single response 

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses.

2. Click Add A Response > Add a single response

3. Search for the Opportunity title in the Opportunity Lookup field and select it from the dropdown. 

4. If the Opportunity has scheduled shifts, select the shift for this response. 

5. Type the volunteer's name in the User Lookup field you want to add the response and select them from the dropdown. 

6. You can add any notes to the Notes field as necessary. 

  • These notes are only shared between you and the Advanced Program Manager. 
  • This is a great place to share important information with the Advanced Program Manager—like restrictions, preferences, volunteer availability, etc. 

7. Be sure to answer any required questions as applicable. 

8. Click Add User Response when you're done! 

  • That response now appears in the Responses table. 

How to schedule multiple responses

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click Add A Response > Schedule multiple responses3. Select the Opportunity from the Select Opportunity dropdown. 

4. Check the boxes for the shifts you want to add these responses to. 

✏️ Quick tips: 

  • You can select all shifts by checking the box at the top beside the Shift Begins column. 
  • Want to only see available shifts on Mondays? Use the Show all days dropdown to filter your shift results! 
  • From here, you can see how many remaining slots are still available for those shifts. 

5.  Click Continue

6. Type a volunteer's name or email to search for them and click Search

✏️ Quick tip: You can also click Search by Category to filter your users. 

7. Check the boxes for the volunteers you want to schedule these responses for and click Add To List

8. Need to add more volunteers? Click Add More Volunteers and follow the same steps. 

Best practice: Want to send a quick message to your volunteers about these new Opportunity responses you've submitted on their behalf? Click Message Volunteers to send them all a quick message. 

  • We also recommend checking the box beside Send confirmation to these volunteers before you finish scheduling them. 
    • This sends them an automated notification letting them know that they've responded to an Opportunity and the details about that Opportunity. 

9. Click the schedule button when you're ready! 

  • A popup appears asking you to confirm your selections. Click Yes to confirm or Go back to cancel. 
  • Those responses now appear in the Responses table! 

How to add a team response for an existing team

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click Add A Response > Add a team response

3. Select the Opportunity from the Select Opportunity dropdown. 

4.  Click Continue

5. Select Use An Exiting Team6. Use the Select Team dropdown to pick your team! 

7. Check the boxes for the team members you want to include and click Continue

8. Continue building your team as needed. 

  • You can add yourself to the team by clicking Add Me 
  • Click Add Volunteer to add more volunteers to the team. 
    • You need to enter a valid email address and the volunteer's name, then click Add Team Member.  

So you know: If the volunteer is a new user, they may need to complete a required qualification for this response. A popup appears asking you to confirm this selection and to notify you if the volunteer hasn't met a required qualification. We recommend notifying the volunteers that they need to complete the required qualification response. 

  • Click Add From A User Group to add more volunteers from a specific user group. 
    • Start by selecting the user group from the Select User Group dropdown.
    • Check the boxes for all of the volunteers you want to add and click Add To Team
      • Some users may not be qualified for the Opportunity. We recommend reaching out to those users to notify them that they need to complete the required qualification response. 

9. Once you're done building your team, you can update the number of additional slots with the dropdown beside Reserve Additional Slots

So you know: This option may not be available. If you don't see this option, you must toggle the button beside Require Emails for Team Registrations to Off from your main settings page. 

10. To select a team leader, check the box under the Leader column beside the user. 

So you know: Team leaders can manage their teams without your assistance. This includes: 

  • Adding or removing team members
  • Reviewing and emailing team members
  • Adding or removing responses for team members
  • Adding hours for team members

11. If the Opportunity has scheduled shifts, click Continue. If the Opportunity doesn't have scheduled shifts, click Finish

12. Select which shifts you want this response to apply to—if the Opportunity has scheduled shifts. 

✏️ Quick tips: 

  • You can respond to all available shifts by toggling the button beside Respond to All Shifts to On
  • Want to only see shifts on Mondays? Use the Show All dropdown to filter shifts by days! 

13. Click Finish

  • Those responses now appear in the Responses table.

✏️ Quick tip: Click here for more information about managing teams! 

How to add a team response to a new team

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click Add A Response >  Add a team response

3. Select the Opportunity from the Select Opportunity dropdown. 

4. Click Create A New Team

5. Give the team a name. 

6. Build out your team. 

  • You can add yourself to the team by clicking Add Me 
  • Click Add Volunteer to add volunteers to the team.
    • Enter a valid email address and the volunteer's name, then click Add Team Member.  

So you know: If the volunteer is a new user, they may need to complete a required qualification for this response. A popup appears asking you to confirm this selection and to notify you if the volunteer hasn't met a required qualification. We recommend notifying the volunteers that they need to complete the required qualification response. 

  • Click Add From A User Group to add volunteers from a specific user group on your site. 
    • Start by selecting the user group from the Select User Group dropdown.
    • Check the boxes for all of the volunteers you want to add and click Add To Team
      • Some users may not be qualified for the Opportunity. We recommend reaching out to those users to notify them that they need to complete the required qualification response.

7. Once you're done building your team, you can update the number of additional slots with the dropdown beside Reserve Additional Slots

So you know: This option may not be available. If you don't see this option, then you must toggle the button beside Require Emails for Team Registrations to Off from your main settings page. 

8. To select a team leader, check the box under the Leader column beside the user. 

So you know: Team leaders can manage their teams without your assistance. This includes: 

  • Adding or removing team members
  • Reviewing and emailing team members
  • Adding or removing responses for team members
  • Adding hours for team members

9. If the Opportunity has scheduled shifts, click Continue. If the Opportunity doesn't have scheduled shifts, click Finish

10. Select which shifts you want this response to apply to—if the Opportunity has scheduled shifts.  

✏️ Quick tips: 

  • You can respond to all available shifts by toggling the button beside Respond to All Shifts to On
  • Want to only see shifts on Mondays? Use the Show All dropdown to filter shifts by days! 

11. Click Finish

  • Those responses now appear in the Responses table.

How to edit responses

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click the pencil icon under the Options column. 

  • This opens up the edit response window. 

So you know: Not all responses can be edited from here. 

  • Team responses can't be edited from here. Click here for more information about managing team responses. 

3. If available, click Clear

4. Look up the Opportunity and select it from the dropdown. 

5. If the Opportunity has scheduled shifts, select the shift with the Select a Shift dropdown. 

6. Add any notes if applicable and click Update User Response

How to delete a response

You can always delete a response if needed. 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses. 

2. Under the Options column, click the for the response you wish to remove. 

  • A warning pops up asking you to confirm your selection. 

How to add default hours to responses in bulk

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Check the boxes for the responses you want to add default hours to. 

✏️ Quick tips: 

  • Toggle the button beside Hide Responses That Have Hours to On to only see responses without hours. 
  • Check the box beside the ID column to select all responses. 

3. Click +Add Default Hours when you're ready! 

So you know: If you didn't hide the responses with hours, then a popup appears to let you know if any of the responses have hours already applied to them. 

How to add default hours to responses individually

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click the hourglass icon under the Options column. 

3. Complete the Hour Details and Description sections on the Add Hours page. 

4. Click Submit Hour Entry when you're done!

How to export responses data

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click Export Responses

3. Your email address appears as the recipient but you can change the recipient email as needed. 

4. You can also select the specific date range you want the report to cover. 

5. Click Email Export when you're ready. 

How to filter the responses table

You can filter the responses table to see the data you need! 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click Table Filter

3. Check the boxes for the columns you want displayed in the responses table. 

How to filter responses

You can filter responses by user, user email, Opportunity title, or date range! You can also hide responses that have hours if needed. 

How to email volunteers from the responses area

To email a volunteer, just click their email from the responses table. This opens up an email window where you can draft up a message, CC someone else in the message, and send it!