How to Add a Team Response for an Existing Team as a Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 2:06 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for site managersIf you're an advanced program manager, click here. If you're a program facilitator looking for information about reviewing your programs, click here.

When you create a new team, you also create a response to an Opportunity for that team. Teams can only exist as a response to an Opportunity. We covered how to create a new team in this article. Here, we cover how to add a team response for an existing team from the Responses area of your site. 

How to add a team response for a team

To get started: 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Responses

2. Click Add A Response and select Add a team response

3. Use the dropdown to select the Opportunity the team is responding to. 

4. Click Use An Existing Team

5. Use the dropdown to select the team you are adding the response for. 

6. Check the box beside each member you want to add to the response and click Continue

7. Continue building out the team as needed. 

  • If the Opportunity has space for it, you can add more members with the following buttons: 
    • Add Me: Add yourself to the team. 
    • Add Volunteer: Add new members or existing members. 
    • Add From A User Group: Add members to the team from an existing user group on your site. 
  • Check the box under the Leader column for the individual you want to assign as team leader. 
    • Team leaders can manage their teams on their own. This includes: 
      • Assigning a new team leader
      • Adding or removing team members
      • Emailing team members
      • Adding default hours for team members
      • Unregistering the team
      • Accessing and sharing the join link or team resume link
      • Updating the number of available reserved slots—if the option is available

8. If the Opportunity has space for it, select how many additional slots you want to include with the dropdown by Reserve Additional Slots

  • This allows volunteers to bring a friend to the Opportunity to fill those reserved slots. 

9. When you're ready, click Continue

10. If the Opportunity has scheduled shifts, then you can select which shifts the team is responding to here. 

  • You can also change the view for shifts. If you want to only see shifts for specific days, use the dropdown to only show those days. 
  • If you want to respond to all shifts, toggle the button beside Respond to All Shifts to On

11. When you're done, click Finish. 

  • You can review those responses by going to Volunteerism > Teams > Team Responses

ⓘ So you know: The process is the same if you go to Volunteerism > Teams and click Add A Team when using an existing team! 

  • Here's a quick clip of that process: