How to Manage Team Responses as a Site Manager

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Wed, Jul 31 at 10:03 AM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site ManagersIf you're an Advanced Program Manager, click here. If you're a Program Facilitator looking for information about reviewing your Programs, click here.

Do you need to review team responses to see who is in a team, how big the team is, and which Opportunity they've responded to? You can from the Teams area on your dashboard! Here we cover: 

How to manage team responses

How to review team responses

1. Go to Volunteerism > Teams

2. Click the Team Responses tab. 

3. Here you can review what teams have been created on your site, how big they are, which Opportunity they responded to, etc. 

  • You can filter the table to see the data you need! 

How to edit a team response

1. Go to Volunteerism > Teams

2. Click the Team Responses tab. 

3. Select the Team Name from the table that you wish to edit. 

  • This opens up the Team Response window. 

4. Here you can remove team members, make a team member the team leader, add hours, and more! In the Team Response window, you can: 

Add hours to individual team members

1. Under Team Members, click the hourglass icon under the Options column for the individual you want to add hours to. 

2.  Fill out Hour Details and write a Description as needed. 

3. Click Submit Hour Entry

Add default hours

1. Under Team Members, check the boxes beside the emails for the individuals you want to add default hours to. 

  • You can check the box at the top by the Email column to select all!

2. Click + Add Default Hours

Email individual team members

1. Under Team Members, click the individual's email under the Email column. 

2. Fill out all necessary fields and click Send Email when you're ready! 

Email several team members at once

1. Under Team Members, check the boxes beside the emails for the individuals you want to email. 

  • You can check the box at the top by the Email column to select all! 

2. Click Email Members

3. Fill out the Subject and Message fields and click Send Email when you're ready! 

You can find the following links in the Team Response window under Team Members

  • Copy Join Link: Click this to copy a join link that you want to share with potential new team members!
  • Copy Resume Link: Click this to copy a link to the team resume that you can then share with others! 
    • This can be a fun way to include friendly competition between teams that want to compare their contributions and achievements! 

Add a team member

If the team isn't at capacity already for that Opportunity, you can click the Add Team Member button in the Team Response window under Team Members, to add new members.  

  • If the team is at capacity for that Opportunity, then you won't be able to interact with that button. 

1. Click Add Team Member

2. Enter a valid email address. 

  • If the user has an account on the site, then their information will populate in a popup window. Click Yes to confirm that selection or No to cancel. 
  • If the user doesn't have an account, enter a valid email address and their first and last name

3. Click Submit Member when you're ready! 

So you know: If the Opportunity requires a qualification, you'll be notified. Keep in mind that volunteers might be blocked from adding unqualified team members to a team response. 

Remove a team member

To remove a member from a team, click the X under Options in the Team Response window under Team Members. A popup appears to confirm your selection, click Yes to confirm or No to cancel. 

Unregister a team

If you need to unregister a team, click Unregister Team in the Team Response window under Team Members

  • This only unregisters the team for that Opportunity response.

✏️ Quick Tip: You can also click the X icon under Options on the Team Responses page for each Opportunity response to remove or unregister them from it. 

Change the team leader

If you want to change who the team's leader is, check the box under the Leader column for the new leader in the Team Response window under Team Members

So you know: You must check the box for a new leader before you uncheck the box for the old one. 

Edit team hours

1. Under Team Hours in the Team Response window, click the pencil icon for the hour entry you want to edit. 

2. This opens the Edit Hours form—edit the Hour Details and Description as needed. 

3. Be sure to click Submit Hour Entry when you're ready! 

So you know: You can delete an hour entry for a volunteer on the team by clicking the X under the Options column here. 

How to export team response data 

1. Go to Volunteerism > Teams

2. Click the Team Responses tab. 

3. Select Export All Teams to export team responses data to a CSV. 

Team leader perspective

Team leaders can manage their teams with similar functions as you! When they click Manage Team under My Teams in their profile, they can: 

  • Add default hours
  • Email team members
  • Copy the join link
  • Copy the resume link
  • Edit hours and responses
  • Remove responses
  • Change the team leader
  • Unregister the team
  • Review their team hours