Community Impact: Goals & Impact Areas—A Guide for Site Managers

Created by Brittany Crow, Modified on Thu, Jul 11 at 4:42 PM by Brittany Crow

Heads up! This article is intended for Site Managers.

You can set goals for your organization that are then displayed in charts on your Volunteer Impact Pages (VIPs). These goals include volunteer matches and volunteer hours. Don't want to share them on a VIP? No problem! If you want to keep this data for your records, you can set up your Site Manager dashboard to display your Community Impact instead! 

    You can also establish Community Impact Areas. These are defined categories that highlight volunteer impact. For example, maybe your organization focuses on providing volunteer Opportunities within the Education sector. You could establish a Community Impact Area titled Education. You and your Advanced Program Managers can attribute a Community Impact Area to an Opportunity when creating them. Here we cover: 

So you know: If you add impact areas to your site, then you and your Program Managers must select an impact area to attribute to an Opportunity when creating the Opportunity. 

A bit about Community Impact Goals

Community Impact Goals are a great way to highlight how your organization's volunteers are contributing to the community. You can share graphs of your Community Impact in Volunteer Impact Pages (VIPs) or display this information on your Site Manager dashboard. This is a great way to capture important information about how your volunteers make an impact in your community when presenting at important board meetings, requesting funding, or just boasting about your awesome volunteer community! 

How to add a Community Impact Goal

To get started: 

1. Click Settings from the top menu bar and select Community Impact

2. Specify your goals. 

  • This includes Volunteer Matches and Volunteer Hours
    • Volunteer Matches are the number of responses your Opportunities receive from volunteers. 

3. Set a date range for your goals. 

4. Click Update Goals to finish! 

Where Community Impact Goals are displayed

Volunteer Impact Pages

When you set up a VIP, you can opt to display your Community Impact Goals with your community. Click here for more information about setting up a VIP. Here's an example of what that might look like: 

Site Manager Dashboard

If you don't want to share this information publicly but still want to capture the data for your records, you can add this chart to your Site Manager dashboard! Here's what that might look like: 

✏️ Quick tip: You can add or edit items on your dashboard at any time. Just click the Edit button beside Dashboard to get started. 

You must be logged into your manager account to access this area. To add your Community Impact to your Site Manager dashboard: 

1. Click the Edit button beside Dashboard

2. Decide where you want it to appear on your dashboard—i.e., which row. 

3. Click Add Content to Row

4. Select Annual Impact Chart for the Content Type

5. Click Submit Page to finish. 

  • You can also click Preview Dashboard to see it before you publish your changes. 
  • Don't like the way it looks? You can edit it, remove it, or add it to a different row on your dashboard. 

A bit about Community Impact Areas

If you want to highlight the impact areas your volunteers are contributing to when they participate in your Opportunities, you can establish Community Impact Areas. If you add a Community Impact Area to your site, then:

  • You and your Advanced Program Managers must attribute an Impact Area to any new Opportunities that are added 
  • Volunteers can filter Opportunities by impact area to find ones that align with their interests

How to add a Community Impact Area

To get started: 

1. Click Settings from the top menu bar and select Community Impact

2. Type the Impact Area title in the field beside the Add Area button. 

3. Click Add Area to finish. 

How to manage Community Impact Areas

You can edit, disable, enable, or delete Community Impact Areas at any time. 

  • To edit the impact area, click the pencil icon under the Options column. 
    • The page reloads with the impact area listed in the field where you add new areas. 
    • Make any necessary edits as applicable and click Update Area to save your changes. 

  • To disable an impact area, click the (-) under the Options column. 
    • You can always enable the impact area again. 
    • This removes it from the options when you or a Program Manager creates an Opportunity. 
    • This also displays the enable (+) and delete (X) options for that impact area when clicked. 

  • To enable an impact area, click the (+) under the Options column. 

  • To delete an impact area, click the (X) under the Options column. 

Attributing an impact area to an Opportunity

When creating a new Opportunity, you and your Program Managers must attribute an impact area to it, if you've added impact areas to your site. The Impact Area field appears on the Create Opportunity form right after the address and location fields.