Volunteer Checklist

Posted over 1 year ago by Mark McWilliams

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Mark McWilliams
Mark McWilliams

Hi Galaxy,

It would be incredibly handy to have a checklist function in the system. Within the Opportunity the checklist could be accessed and the volunteer check-off items that they have completed. When all items are done the checklist can be submitted and sent to the relevant program manager. This achieves two things. 1.) It provides the volunteer with guidance as to key things they need to do during their engagement and 2.) It provides an audit trail for the Program Manager that all the key tasks have been done during the shift.



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Ryan Rose posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hi Mark!

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us with this suggestion!

I can see the importance of a checklist so that each volunteer can get the most out of their opportunities!

I will ensure that this checklist concept is provided to our team for consideration for possible implementation.

Please feel free to reach back out to us with any other ideas, and, of course, our support team is here if you have any further questions!

All the best,

Ryan R. | he/him

Data Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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