Posted 7 months ago by Joan Ambo

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Joan Ambo

We really need the capability to have a private event. As it is the events do not allow us to add a qualification or User group which doesn't give us the flexibility for an RSVP based event.

We are planning our volunteer appreciation night, and don't want this to be open to all so we've had to post the even as an opportunity, and now our volunteers are getting reminders to come work, and are very confused.

See below - and this is one of MANY.

Is this a mistake (see below in red) ? I thought I responded to attend the event or did I do it incorrectly?


From: Chicago Botanic Garden Volunteer Services <> 
Sent: Friday, February 23, 2024 8:08 AM
To: ll

Subject: Upcoming Need Reminder

Hello Linda,

Thank you for signing up to volunteer!

As a reminder, you signed up to help with Volunteer Services's "VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION EVENT: An evening at The Orchid Show of Wonders", on Mar 1, 2024 4 p.m. - 7:30 p.m..

If you need to cancel or make any changes to your scheduled time, please contact at . For emergency day-of cancellations, please contact the Info Desk at (847) 835-8207.

We appreciate your time and are looking forward to seeing you!

Your friends at Chicago Botanic Garden

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Erin Olson posted 12 days ago

Hello, I agree too. We would like our workshops and events to have the ability to make public or private. Right now all of our volunteers can see when we post a workshop that is private, but we would like an option to make it private.

Thank you!

1 Votes

Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Joan and Bri! 

Thank you for adding your thoughts to the forum. I can see how the ability of adding private events could be helpful in managing events that are different than opportunties. I've gone ahead and recorded this for discussion in a future Enhancements meeting. 

Here are some suggestions given the current capabilities of the software: 

- Create an opportunity and make it private (I understand you've tried this, Joan and I appreciate your feedback this is helpful when I record this for Development)

- Use an event tool outside the software and send an email blast to volunteers with the link to the event tool where they can RSVP for the event. 

Again, thank you for both of your input! 

Have a great day, 

Abby T. 

Onboarding Specialist 

1 Votes


Bri Johnson posted 6 months ago

I 100% agree with the suggestion to make events private & then we can just share a link with our active volunteers -- we are struggling with this too for Volunteer Appreciation and how we can gather RSVPs without making the event public to everyone.

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