Identifying new volunteers

Posted 8 months ago by Abbie Hewett

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Abbie Hewett

Just wanted to submit an improvement request - it'd be really helpful if there was an easy way to view new volunteers through the website. We have a number of new volunteers that join us each shift, and it'd be helpful if there were a way that our leaders could easily identify them. Is this a feature that could possibly be added to the schedule?
I appreciate your consideration!

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Hilary Temple posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi, Rachel!

Thank you for clarifying! That definitely makes sense. I will update that preference on the enhancement post. 

Thank you again! Have a wonderful Friday!


Hilary T. 

Onboarding Team 

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Rachel Miskei posted 8 months ago

For us it would be useful to see within the actual opportunity that a volunteer is new vs returning. Having the date the user first recorded hours would be important to have as well but not within the opportunity itself. Hope that makes sense.

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Hilary Temple posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi, Rachel! 

Thanks for adding your insight to this as well. I see a lot of value in being able to see if they were new vs. recurring. As I asked Abbie above, would it also be helpful to see the date the user first recorded hours?

I'll add your suggestion to the enhancement card request for this. 

Have a wonderful afternoon!

Hilary T. 

Client Onboarding 

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Rachel Miskei posted 8 months ago

To add to that thought.... it would be nice if there was a way to also identify different types of volunteers. For instance, new volunteers, returning volunteers, volunteer leads, etc. 

1 Votes


Hilary Temple posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi, Abbie!

I can see how something like this would be beneficial so leaders can distinguish between who is new vs returning. Would it also be helpful if you can see the date the user first added hours? 

I have gone ahead and added your suggestion to our enhancements list for review, but if there is anything you'd like to add, please feel free to reply here to add more. 

Have a great day!

Hilary T. 

Client Onboarding

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