Prevent volunteers from signing up for overlapping shifts

Posted 11 months ago by Paul B

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Paul B

It is important to my organization that volunteers not be able to sign up for overlapping shifts. I would like to prevent volunteers from double booking themselves. 

4 Votes


Sorted by
Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi Sarah and Shannon,

I appreciate you both sharing your support around this idea! I have added your thoughts to our existing notes which will be reviewed by our team during one of our upcoming product enhancement meetings. I'll be happy to keep you updated here with any news that I receive about this idea moving forward.

Thanks again and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

0 Votes


Shannon Maurer posted 8 months ago

I came here to echo my concerns with volunteers being able to register for overlapping schedules. 

0 Votes


Sarah Esala posted 9 months ago

We are still in the onboarding phase of using this software and just discovered that it is possible for volunteers to double-book shifts. I would add our vote for a system fix that prohibits this. We have multi-day events with over a 1,000 volunteers and hundreds of shifts and know that a variety of reasons - poor time management, language barriers, cultural differences, a desire for accumulating service hours, etc. - results in a number of volunteers attempting to register for simultaneous shifts. We've always depended on the system to alert us to this issue so we can resolve it well before the event starts. 

1 Votes


Paul B posted 11 months ago

Thank you Shonie!

0 Votes


Shonie K. posted 11 months ago Admin

Hi Paul,

I appreciate you coming to the forum to post your request! With enhancements to the software, these have to be vetted by various departments to ensure it is something that will be of positive impact to all of our clients. This can take some time and client backing, which is why adding this request to our forums is so important for transparency!

That being said, the roadmap has already been established for the rest of the year, so this is not currently on the list. We will absolutely advocate for your request and make sure the brand team understands how important this request is to you when they are setting the roadmap for 2024.

To stay up to date on our most recent enhancements to the software, be sure to check out our enhancement page every now and then!  

Thanks again,


Associate UX Designer & Data Specialist

she, her

0 Votes


Paul B posted 11 months ago

Is this a feature on the roadmap? Our ability to continue to use the software hinges on this feature. 

1 Votes


Brittany Crow posted 11 months ago Admin

Hello, Paul!

Thank you for reaching out to us about this. We've received similar requests for this enhancement in the past. I'm going to go ahead and add your voice of support for this enhancement for our development team. 

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!



1 Votes

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