Shift Cancellation

Posted over 1 year ago by Melissa Fitzgerald

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Melissa Fitzgerald

Currently, I or a volunteer must unregister from opportunities on an individual basis. There isn't an option to unregister from numerous opportunities at a time. Would love the option to unregister from multiple opportunities at a time. 


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Brittany Crow posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hello, Melissa,

I'm glad that option works for you! We love hearing your product suggestions, so please never hesitate to share with us your ideas! Have a wonderful rest of your week.



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Melissa Fitzgerald posted over 1 year ago

Got it. With option 1, I would have to assume the user to make those multiple cancelations without impacting past hours. I can do that. Thank you. 

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Brittany Crow posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hello, Melissa!

Thank you for getting back to me and for the clarification. So, I want to show you how a user can remove themselves from several shifts quickly. This is from a volunteer's perspective, not the site manager view:

1. Have the volunteer click their profile image or initials and select Opportunity Responses from the dropdown. 2. Now, they can click the Opportunity Name from the table under Volunteer Responses

3. Select Manage My Responses. 4. Now, uncheck any shifts to remove responses for them. 

5. Click Submit Opportunity Responses to finish.

While they still have to do this for each Opportunity, they can at least remove themselves from several shifts at once with this method.

Now, you do have the option of removing volunteers from all future shifts from the Scheduling area in the site manager view; however, if you do this, it erases all of their responses for that Opportunity and any hours they've submitted for past shifts they've worked for that Opportunity. It's a good option for quickly unregistering volunteers from shifts that haven't already worked past shifts for the Opportunity.

1. Go to your Scheduling area. 

2. Select the User Responses tab. 

3. Click the name of the user from a scheduled shift in the calendar. 

4. Click Remove from all shifts

  • Remember, this erases their responses and hours for past shifts for that Need and future shifts too.

Do either of these options work with your workflow or were you envisioning a different process?



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Melissa Fitzgerald posted over 1 year ago

It would be great if a volunteer or manager could unregister a volunteer from multiple shifts. IE. When a volunteer goes on vacation and needs to cancel multiple shifts. It would be ideal to select multiple shifts and cancel all of them at the same time (instead of individually). 


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Brittany Crow posted over 1 year ago Admin

Hello, Melissa!

Thank you for reaching out with your product suggestion! I wanted to ask a few clarifying questions to better assist you and to be sure I have your suggestion correct for our enhancement team to discuss. 

1. Are you wanting the ability to unregister volunteers from multiple opportunities at once or multiple shifts within an opportunity? 
2. What's your current process for accomplishing this? 

3. Are you envisioning this capability for just managers or also volunteers? 



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