Symbol By Volunteers Name

Posted 12 months ago by Kelsy Reynaga

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Kelsy Reynaga

If there can be a way to place a symbol next to a volunteers user name as a sign that the user has completed a certain background check. This would be fantastic for quick glances so managers know who is cleared to volunteer in their program rather than having to go into their individual profiles and click around.  

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 12 months ago Admin

Hi Kelsy,

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your idea with us! I have added your thoughts about the background check symbol to our existing notes which will be reviewed by our team during one of our upcoming enhancement meetings. I'll be happy to keep you updated here with any new information about this idea moving forward. 

Thank you again and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)

Client Onboarding Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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