Record Teams Reserved Slots Data

Posted 12 months ago by Christopher Easley

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Christopher Easley

A useful site usage data point is not recorded in a way that is accessible to us: The number of reserved slots a Team had over time.

Our use case: We want to understand the "Pull-Through" rate that an individual Team has and that all our Teams have on average.

By "Pull-Through," we mean the difference between the maximum number of reserved slots that a given Team has for a specific shift (at any time), and the final number of populated slots that the Team has at the time of the shift.

The Challenge: There's no way to see how many slots were reserved in the past for a given Team, if it has changed since. Between when a Team is created and the volunteer shift, the number of reserved slots can fluctuate both up and down, but we can't look back and see how it fluctuated, or record the maximum number.

Thanks for your help!

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Shonie K. posted 11 months ago Admin

Hey there,

I appreciate all this background to the report you are needing on teams! I will make a note about this request on our end. In the meantime, this is something we can accomplish through a custom report. Custom reports are a paid service. If this is something you'd like to pursue or learn more about, please reach out to us directly at for more information and next steps.



CX Specialist


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