Bar Scan Check-in Option for Kiosk

Posted about 2 months ago by Katie Taylor

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Katie Taylor

I agree with other posters that the check-in process is unnecessarily arduous and takes too long (6 steps to check in!!). Many of our volunteers are older and struggle with this. 

The previous volunteer management platform we used offered a bar-scan check-in process at the kiosk. We printed name badges, and the volunteers simply scanned in/out. SUPER EASY and quick.  It saved our staff a ton of time from having to assist the volunteers at arrival and departure!

Please consider adding this option. 

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Hilary Temple posted 24 days ago Admin

Hi, Cody and Katie, 

Thanks a lot for your suggestions! I have taken note of this, documented these suggestions, and added them to our enhancement suggestions list. I can see the need for a bar scan option for check in! 

If you think of anything else or have more feedback, please let us know! If I hear of any update regarding this, I will be sure to reply here.


Hilary T.

Onboarding Team

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Katie Taylor posted about 1 month ago

Oh that's a good idea, Cody!

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Cody Jang posted about 1 month ago

A bar code check-in would be awesome! I'd request a mobile phone app to go with it, so that staff could scan-in volunteers.



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