Merge User Groups

Posted 11 months ago by Christopher Easley

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Christopher Easley

Hi GD team-

It would be useful to have a feature to merge User Groups, similar to the tool for merging user profiles. 

We have a situation where we have two User Groups for two separate companies, but then realized one company owns the other, and their hours should be reported together.

It's easy enough to add all members of one User Group to another, but I don't see away to take all of the hours associated with one User Group and associate them with the other instead.

Thanks for your help!

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 11 months ago Admin

Hi Chris, 

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your product suggestion with us! 

I see the benefit of being able to merge user groups and will be recording this to be discussed during our next Enhancements meeting with the Customer Experience team.

We appreciate your suggestion! 


Abby Torrice 

Client Onboarding Specialist 

Get Connected by Galaxy Digital 

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