
Posted 11 months ago by Miranda Martin

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Miranda Martin

There has got to be a better way to add users to teams. Because of the way the system creates a different "team" for each date a team is scheduled, it is incredibly time-consuming to add someone to a team that is scheduled for multiple dates. 

For example: we have students from various schools volunteer in our ReStore for about an hour, 3-4 days/week. I scheduled them a month out because updating the schedule on a weekly basis is also not convenient. Now they have added a new student to the 10-11:15 time slot, which means I have to individually click into each separate "Evergreen Students '23-24" team scheduled for 10am to add this new student. I simply do not have the time to do this every time a student is added. 

Please find a way to streamline the way teams work. 

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KJ Weaver posted 8 months ago Admin

Hey Miranda,

That makes sense to me and you're welcome! I've documented your request

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Miranda Martin posted 8 months ago

I think that would be great! That works even if they are only joining for the majority of the dates, because the team can simply not check that person off as being present. Much better than the current alternative. Thank you.

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KJ Weaver posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

Perfect! I'll make sure the wording matches with what we've come up with together.

I hope you have a great week!

With gratitude,


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Miranda Martin posted 9 months ago

That sounds good. It's pretty fast to add users to multiple shifts, but adding them to multiple "teams" is what is time consuming. But adding them to the shifts does not automatically add them to the teams.

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KJ Weaver posted 10 months ago Admin

Hey Miranda,

I appreciate your suggestion and want to make sure I'm understanding it completely before I pass this along for our Enhancement team to consider it! I understand how time consuming it can be to manually add a team member to each shift their team is on.

Would the suggestion be something like, automatically add members to a team to each Opportunity once one team is updated with a new user?

Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

With gratitude,


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