Automated Texting

Posted 11 months ago by Kevin Lipski

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Kevin Lipski

If I understand it correctly, we are currently unable to send automated text messages to volunteers (ie: reminders for upcoming shifts).  It would be very helpful to have this capability (automated messages are currently limited to e-mails only).

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Katherine Stang posted 10 months ago Admin

Hi, Kevin, 

I’ll update the suggestion to prioritize the Upcoming Need Reminder, with a note that making automated text messaging available for all messages would be useful as well. Thank you very much for clarifying how you’d be using this! 

All the best, 
Katie Stang
Galaxy Digital

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Kevin Lipski posted 10 months ago

For our purposes, adding the Upcoming Need Reminder scratches the itch.  I am sure, however, that the ability to automate a broad assortment of other messages may also be handy.

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Katherine Stang posted 10 months ago Admin

Hi, Kevin!

Thank you so much for sending in this suggestion. I can see how this would be useful for you and other site managers! Just to confirm, you are wanting to have the Upcoming Need Reminder message specifically and have it sent as an automated text in addition to the email, or are you looking for any other notifications to have the automated text capability as well?

All the best, 
Katie Stang
Galaxy Digital

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