More Features Needed in CauseConnect

Posted 9 months ago by Morgan Green-Griffin

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Morgan Green-Griffin

We recently switched to Galaxy Digital, and our volunteers have already started asking for the following options to be added in CauseConnect: 

  • View hours logged by day - NOT just total for the month and lifetime
  • Update personal information 
  • Upload a photo

Any information about planned updates to the app? 

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi Morgan, 

Thank you for adding these suggestions to our Product Suggestion Forum! We appreciate your feedback and the feedback you relay to us from your volunteers. 

I will make note of these suggestions for our Development team. Currently, I don't have any information about planned updates to the app but please continue to send in your suggestions! 


Abby T. 

Onboarding Specialist 

Galaxy Digital

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