Program Manager site branding

Posted 9 months ago by Kiersten Anderson

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Kiersten Anderson

Would welcome the ability for Site Managers to change the galactic theme on the backend of the Program Manager view and insert organizational branding for a more polished look and appropriate tone.

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 9 months ago Admin

Hi Kiersten & Brandon, 

Thank you for adding this to the forum! I can see how keeping the branding consistent would be helpful. I've gone ahead and recorded this to be discussed in an upcoming Enhancements meeting by our CX and Developments teams. 

Again, I appreciate you adding this to the forum and I hope you both have a wonderful Holiday season! 


Abby Torrice 

Onboarding Specialist 

Get Connected By Galaxy Digital 

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Brandon Jerome posted 9 months ago

I second this and not just the site managers but the program managers too! 

1 Votes

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