Have an option to make respondents' names visible

Posted 9 months ago by Joan Ambo

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Joan Ambo

Our volunteers have requested the option to make the respondents' names visible, so that they can choose which shifts are staffed by volunteers they like to work with. We'd like to request an option to make the names visible.

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Hilary Temple posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi, Joan!

Thank you for the clarification on this. I understand volunteers want to be able to see who is signed up for a shift, to ensure they know who they are volunteering alongside!

When it comes to product suggestions, we have a process we follow and because changes to the software affect all of our users, we want to make sure all of our admins have a chance to weigh in on product suggestions they'd like to see implemented. This not only gives our users a chance to let us know how an enhancement someone else asked for might help them, it also helps us understand which feature requests are the most sought after. We get a lot of product suggestions, and the forums allow us to prioritize enhancements so that we can help as many of our customers as possible, while using our small development team's time wisely. 

Once a product suggestion has been logged in the forums, we review every request that comes in as a team and decide what updates to advocate for in the next available sprint cycle to our product.

This request has been documented and is posted for review. If I hear of any updates, I will be sure to respond here and let you know.

Have a wonderful day!
Hilary T.

Client Onboarding Team

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Joan Ambo posted 8 months ago

I think this setting would be best for each individual opportunity - which allows for more flexibility. 

Our volunteers prefer to see who they have signed up to volunteer with, so we'd probably always have our opportunities set up that way.
The sooner the better with this feature - our volunteers are NOT happy they can't see who is on their shift!!!

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Hilary Temple posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi, Joan!

Thank you for sharing your additional suggestion. I'm happy to add this to our enhancements request! I'm going to add this to the list for our team to review. 

In the meantime, there is another way to see Volunteer Responses, by going to Volunteerism > Responses, and searching by Opportunity name, which will give you a list of the users who will be attending that day. 

Here's an example from a test site. I filtered by opportunity, but you could filter even further by adding a date range. 

Again, thank you for adding your suggestion! We appreciate your insight. 

Have a great day!
Hilary T. 

Client Onboarding 

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Joan Ambo posted 8 months ago

Also, as a Site Manager it would be very helpful to have the option to view names for respondents without requiring clicking on each individual shift. The numbers alone don't give us enough information in one place - how do I know if Mary is already signed up? Who is she volunteering with? If she gets a ride, is the driver signed up as well?

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Katherine Stang posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi Joan, 

Of course! We've received similar requests about this enhancement in the past, so I've updated that to add your support, with the request for a switch that can be toggled on and off. Thank you again for taking the time to request this!

All the best,
Katie Stang

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Joan Ambo posted 8 months ago

Hi Katie,
Thanks! If this could be toggled on and off, that would be probably be preferable.


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Katherine Stang posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi Joan, 

Thank you for your suggestion! I can see how allowing volunteers to see who else has signed up for certain shifts would be a positive change from the volunteer perspective. For you and your team, would it be best for this to be one setting that applied to all opportunities, or have it be a setting in each individual opportunity that could be toggled on and off? 

All the best, 
Katie Stang

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