Reports for "Plus One" hours

Posted 8 months ago by Karyn Molines

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Karyn Molines

Is there a way to get a report of of just the "Plus One" Hours?

I know I can export all the hours and filter, but a snapshot via the Reports page would be handy.

At this time, there is not a report that gives stats for Plus-One hours or one that will allow filtering to only Plus-One or anonymous hours (such as the report on Volunteerism > Hours). These entries have no user data associated with them, and the site currently does not have the capability to search for "not" something, or empty data.

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Heather Adler

Heather Adler posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi Karyn, 

Thank you for posting this suggestion! I believe I recall this ticket with you, and I can see how seeing a total for Plus-One hours only could potentially be of benefit to other organizations as well. We will have to see if it's possible for us to build a report that pulls "empty" data, as stated, but I'll write this request down in our enhancement notes to discuss at a future meeting! 

Thanks again; have a lovely rest of your week, 

Heather Adler
Data Specialist at Galaxy Digital

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