Qualification Expiration

Posted 8 months ago by Miranda Martin

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Miranda Martin

We have our website set so that waivers are not required to make an account or view opportunities, but they are required to register for opportunities. Many of our volunteers currently have waivers that need to be resigned, and it has come to my attention that there are a few odd features to this. 

First is the app. Many of our volunteers use the app to sign up for shifts. When they have qualifications that need to be fulfilled, it would be nice if the app alerted them. Instead, all opportunities disappear, and they think it is broken. I knew about this at one point, but actually forgot, and it took me quite some time to realize the issue. 

Second, the respond buttons dissapear within the website as well. This isn't as confusing on a computer, but most people use mobile devices, so similarly to the app, they cannot figure out why they can no longer respond. In this case, the large "respond" button at the top of the listed shifts within an opportunity is still there, but the "respond individually" button under each individual date is gone. I learned today that most of our volunteers click these buttons, and when they went missing, it caused a lot of confusion. If responding to an opportunity is what triggers the waiver showing up, why not just keep those buttons, and allow them to trigger the waiver? Here are two screenshots for your reference. 

Lastly, the email that is sent out when a qualification has expired. It has a link to go sign their waiver, but for some folks this link is not showing anything to sign. I was informed this is because volunteers only have to sign it to respond to an opportunity, but in our case, some folks saw the waiver to sign, and some did not. Either way, this link should just take them to the waiver to sign. The link is very misleading if there is nothing to sign once they follow the link. Why should it force them to wait until they respond to an opportunity? 

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Shonie K. posted about 1 month ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

Sounds good - I will get this added to our notes on this request.

Have a lovely week,


CX Specialist


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Miranda Martin posted about 2 months ago

I think the presented solution of offering a "qualification expired button" in place of the "respond" button sounds like a great solution!

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Shonie K. posted about 2 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

Thanks for confirming! More than likely it is to avoid having the user scroll down the list to choose a specific shift and save them time, as they would then be met with the qualification overlay and not actually be able to schedule a shift quite yet (since they have to get qualified first). However, I could see the "Respond" button being replaced with a "Qualification Needed" button instead, for further clarity.

Do you think that would be helpful here? Let me know if I am missing the mark.


CX Specialist


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Miranda Martin posted 2 months ago

Hi Shonie, 

You are understanding correctly. I just still don't see why the "respond" buttons listed next to particular dates go away when this happens. It has been confusing many of our volunteers. 

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Shonie K. posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

To make sure I am understanding your request, I wanted to clarify this! I tested this on my test site and found that if there is a qualification required to respond to an opportunity, the "Respond" buttons next to the specific dates on a shifted opportunity are hidden/do not appear to the user. Users will need to click the top "Respond" buttons to trigger the overlay. Let me know if I am misunderstanding your message! Screenshot below:


CX Specialist


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Miranda Martin posted 3 months ago

I think that would be very helpful on the app. 

As for the web version, I don't really see why the "respond" buttons under specific dates couldn't redirect users to fill out their qualifications when they click it the same as the larger, "respond," button at the top of the screen does. 

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Shonie K. posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda, 

Ah, I see -- mainly, there needs to be a way to communicate the expired qualification. Maybe something such as a button that states "Qualification Expired" with help text advising them to log in to get that updated would be helpful here.

I will make a note on my end, thank you!




CX Specialist

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Miranda Martin posted 4 months ago

The waitlist screenshot was a bad example. 

The second screenshot was fully loaded. As I mentioned above, the website just fully takes the response buttons away when someone's qualifications are expired. The "response" button at the top of the opportunity still shows, but folks often do not notice that, and are looking for the button directly under the shift they would like to respond to. 

As much as I would love for folks to be able to complete their waiver and code of conduct through the app, that is not what I am asking at this time. Currently, I just ask that you at least give users a message within the app that they are missing a qualification and that they need to reach out to whoever we mark as the person to reach out to, in this case, me. Leaving folks in the dark when this happens renders the app useless. 

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Shonie K. posted 8 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda, 

Thanks for adding your thoughts here, Miranda! We really appreciate them. You are correct -- the mobile app is not currently equipped to handle qualifications. This is something in the pipeline for future mobile app updates! For now, if a user needs to fulfill a new waiver qualification, they will need to log into their account in a browser window. Since your qualification is set to “Require to Respond to Any Opportunities”, they will encounter it the next time they try to respond.

In the screenshots you provided, it looks like this particular opportunity is shifted and that a number of shifts are full. When a shift or opportunity is full, users are no longer able to add a response, which is why the response button is hidden. However, users are able to hop on a waitlist based on the settings on your site. Users will receive an email if a spot opens up they can sign up for. When they navigate back to the opportunity and spots are available, they will be able to click respond and submit any necessary qualifications prior to getting signed up, as expected.

For the second screenshot, it is odd that there are no buttons (waitlist or respond, depending on spots open) showing. I would recommend making sure the page loaded fully (sometimes slower Wi-Fi speeds can have this occur) and that you are using an up-to-date and supported browser. That being said, if this occurs again please send a new email to support so we can troubleshoot any missing waitlist or respond buttons with you.

I’ll make a note for our Education team to consider updating the “Notice of Expired Qualification” notification users receive when their qualifications expire, since this language is needing some updating. As a note, this is customizable! You are welcome to add your own language here to better inform your users. Otherwise, I might recommend turning this notification off in Communication > Notifications to mitigate confusion. That way, users can just run into the qualification when it is needed, the next time they decide to volunteer with you.



CX Specialist


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