Qualifications - Tracks: "Show All" as Default

Posted 7 months ago by Courtney Thomson

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Courtney Thomson

Several of our volunteer have expressed confusion when checking/submitting qualifications, as they have to select "Show All" under Tracks to see the option to submit a waiver qualification. Please update this so "Show All" is default.

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Shonie K. posted 5 months ago Admin

Hi everyone,

I wanted to update this thread to let you know that we've updated the Filter By Track drop downs in the user's basic information and qualifications tabs to default to Show All. This was something the team decided to push as a bug, since there was a lot on confusion surrounding these areas when initially pulled up.

Basic Information:

Qualifications tab:

We hope this helps to reduce confusion and improves your workflows. Thanks so much for those who posted and reached out in emails.

Have a great week,


CX Specialist


1 Votes


Shonie K. posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi everyone,

I appreciate you adding this request here! This is currently a known issue in the software that our Developers understand causes confusion. Our team is currently advocating for this to be pushed sooner than later as a bug fix. When any movement happens with this, I will let you know in this thread.

Thanks again,


CX Specialist


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Cristy Evangelista posted 6 months ago

Thank you for requesting this! We've had some confusion at the program manager level as well.

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