Multiple Qualification "OR" option

Posted 8 months ago by Joan Ambo

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Joan Ambo

We have a Woman's Board, and some of the elderly members are not too tech savvy, and since they are pretty significant donors, we don't want to impose our waiver/code of conduct upon them as a qualification. However, there are times when the Woman's Board AND our regular volunteer pool will be responding to opportunities. It would be great if we could have an option for either qualification - Woman's Board OR Code of Conduct qualification.

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Joan Ambo posted 7 months ago

Thanks Jeff, without having an "OR" option really detracts from the benefits of tracks in our usage.

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Joan,

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to our Forum and share your suggestion! I wanted to let you know that I've added your thoughts to our existing enhancement notes, and our team will consider them during one of our upcoming product enhancement meetings. I'll be happy to keep you updated here with any information that I receive about this idea moving forward in the future. 

Thanks again and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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