Hour Type - Remove Display if "No" Option Disabled

Posted 8 months ago by Morgan Green-Griffin

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Morgan Green-Griffin

We've disabled the "Allow Individual Hours" option, but the question about individual hours still displays when people go to log hours. It only displays with the answer "Yes". 

Multiple volunteers have reached out, confused about why there is a question and no option to choose anything but Yes. Since we've disabled Allow Individual Hours, it would be nice to not have the individual hours question display at all. 

Here's a screenshot of what I'm referring to: 

This suggestion was submitted on Wednesday 1/24/2024.

2 Votes



KJ Weaver posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Morgan,

I appreciate you sharing your product suggestion with us especially since it's confusing volunteers! You want the only thing to show when Hour Type pops up to be Opportunity* with the dropdown Select an Opportunity.

I'll make sure to pass this along to our enhancement team to discuss implementing at a future meeting! Thank you again

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