User Attributes associated with Opportunity Responses

Posted 7 months ago by Rachel Miskei

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Rachel Miskei

There are key pieces of information that we gather about volunteers when they register in the system. Aside from DOB, much of it is through custom questions. This information is used to assign jobs to the volunteers. It would be helpful to be able to see that information in the Opportunity Responses table. Right now the only way to get to it is by clicking into each and every volunteer one at a time.

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Heather Adler

Heather Adler posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Rachel, 

Thank you for writing in! I'll make a note of this request to allow Custom Registration Questions to also appear in the Volunteerism > Responses table & export. 

Have a lovely rest of your week!

Heather Adler
Data Specialist at Galaxy Digital

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