Description Boxes- Add Hex Codes and Custom Fonts

Posted 7 months ago by Frances Huffstetler

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Frances Huffstetler

Hi- We would love the ability to be able to add custom Hex codes to use in the Description boxes, outside of the standard 39 colors. While there are some colors similar, they don't match our branding kit, so we added custom graphics as a workaround. Would also be great if there was a way we could upload our branding fonts to use in the Description boxes. Thanks for hearing our suggestion. 

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Shonie K. posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Frances,

Thanks for confirming! Yes, any changes to this WYSIWYG editor would reflect in other areas with the same editor. I will add your thoughts to our end!

Appreciate your time,


CX Specialist


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Frances Huffstetler posted 7 months ago

Not just limited to Opportunities, but similar description fields boxes on the Programs and under Custom Pages. Thanks!

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Shonie K. posted 7 months ago Admin

Happy Friday,

To confirm, are you wanting to expand the font and font highlight colors in the description fields on opportunities? Just want to make sure I am on the same page!



CX Specialist


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