Opt out of email notification when unregister users

Posted 7 months ago by Miranda Martin

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Miranda Martin


When we schedule a volunteer for (a) shift(s), we have the option to check off a box if we would like fot the volunteer to be notified. It would be great if this option was available when volunteers are being unregistered for shifts as well.

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Katherine Stang posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,  

Thank you so much for adding that context! I’ve added your suggestion to our enhancement requests and I’ll be sure to let you know if there’s any updates on this. 

Thank you again for taking the time to write in!

All the best,

Katie S. she/her

Customer Experience Data Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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Miranda Martin posted 6 months ago

I understand, but I pre-schedule many of our volunteers, so when schedule changes happen, they get a ton of emails. It also happens if I accidentally schedule the wrong person, which is awkard, especially if I didn't choose to email them when I originally scheduled them in the first place. If we could have the option to check a little box, like the one in the screenshot, that would allow us the flexibility I need, without taking away from your intended use.

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Katherine Stang posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda, 

Thank you for writing in with your suggestion! The current workflow doesn't have the option to not notify volunteers when they've unregistered so that they're aware of the cancellation and don't still attend the shift anyway. Similarly, if the volunteer cancels their own shift, the email serves as the confirmation that their shift was cancelled. Is there a particular workflow that you use that this notification isn't helpful? Thank you so much for helping us to understand this use case!

All the best,

Katie S. | she/her

Customer Experience Data Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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