Check In Kiosk

Posted 7 months ago by Christine Mompoint

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Christine Mompoint

Hello ! 

I use this platform to track hours of students in our leadership program and students are submitting custom hours. Is there a way to remove this from our kiosk so that we can keep better track of volunteers accurate volunteer count?


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KJ Weaver posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Christine,

I definitely understand what you're saying now. I tested this and the custom check-in cannot be turned off nor can you see that someone is submitting a custom time. I now understand that you would like the ability to toggle the option to put a custom Check-in time off and to be able to see how volunteers submit their hours when using the Check-In.

I appreciate your clarification and will share it with our Enhancement team for consideration!

I hope you have a fantastic day,


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Christine Mompoint posted 6 months ago

As it stands, when a student clocks in or out on galaxy, they have the option to submit a custom time. This allows students to falsify their hours. Can the check-in with a custom time feature be turned off? Alternatively, can there be some way to indicate to a site manager on the back end that someone is submitting a custom time?  

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KJ Weaver posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Christine!

Thanks for sending in your suggestion. I want to make sure I relay the correct message to our Enhancement team correctly, so I have a question.

Is this in relation to Individual hours that volunteers may be submitting outside of the hours they turn in with the Kiosk? 

What is the ideal way you would like for volunteers to submit their hours?

I look forward to hearing from you

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