Qualification Expiration Dates

Posted 7 months ago by Sara Thomas

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Sara Thomas

Hello, right now, there are only a few options for qualification expirations, 1 year, every 2 years, or forever. 

We have minors that have parents/guardians complete waivers. Once they turn 18, we would like them to be prompted to complete a new waiver (set the waiver to expire). Right now we can't do that without impacting our other regular volunteers. It has been way too much of a disruption to have regular volunteers have their waiver qualifications expire. 

I would like to suggest a feature in which the qualification can expire based on the birthday field on the profile. I would think many organizations need minors to sign new waivers once they become adults. 

Thank you, Sara

1 Votes


Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Sara,

Thank you for sharing your idea here on our Forum! I have added your thoughts to our ongoing enhancement notes which will be reviewed by our team during one of our upcoming enhancement meetings. I'll be glad to keep you updated here as I receive any additional information about this suggestion moving forward. 

Thanks again and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)

Client Onboarding Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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