
Posted 7 months ago by Collette Nakamyuka

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Collette Nakamyuka

Add a setting in Spotlights that allows Site Managers to decide if the link (when selected via a menu item in the navigation menu opens in a new window or not.

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Katherine Stang posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Bri, 

Thank you for sharing your support for this suggestion! I’ve added your comments to the enhancement request, and we’ll let you know if there’s any updates on this request.

All the best,

Katie S. she/her

Customer Experience Data Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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Bri Johnson posted 6 months ago

I agree with this - would be nice to have the ability to determine that from a site manager perspective - otherwise volunteers end up with way too many tabs open.

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Katherine Stang posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Collette, 

Thank you for writing in with your suggestion! The current workflow with the link automatically opening in a new window is to make sure that volunteers aren't navigated away from the site when the link takes them to a different website. However, I can see how it would be useful to decide whether the link opens in a new window or not. I've added your request to our enhancements list to review, but if there's anything else you'd like to add you can do so here. 

All the best,

Katie S. | she/her

Customer Experience Data Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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