Create custom benchmarks

Posted 7 months ago by Christen Stahl

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Christen Stahl

We are utilizing the full list of prefabricated benchmarks. I wish we were able to add custom ones for our volunteers. Also the bulk of our volunteers surpass 200 hours annually, having gold at 100 limits our options for the volunteers who really go above and beyond. 

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Hilary Temple posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi, Miranda!

Thank you for adding your insight to this suggestion. I agree, and think this would be a great way to celebrate volunteers achievements and dedication.

I'll add your note to our existing suggestions forum! 

Have a fabulous Friday!

Hilary T. 

Client Onboarding 

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Miranda Martin posted 7 months ago

I would love to see this as well! We have volunteers well passed 4000 hours, and it feels weird to use the same phrases over and over for each benchmark.

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Shonie K. posted 7 months ago Admin

Hi Christen,

That would be really neat, to offer additional Badge options or allow for custom ones to be created. This is an existing request we have heard from multiple other managers, so I will add your thoughts to our existing notes on this. 

Thanks again,


CX Specialist


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