Volunteer Now button

Posted 7 months ago by TC Schumacher

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TC Schumacher

I would like the option of rearranging or removing homepage template elements that I do not need (beyond the abiliy to add Spotlights). An important feature would be to have control over the "Volunteer Now" button so that we can edit where the link redirects to (for ex. a custom page).

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 5 months ago Admin

Hi Julie,

Thanks so much for your reply here! I do not have any updates to share at the moment in regards to a specific timeline, but I can confirm that this is something that our development team has considered and is planning to enhance in the future. We'll be happy to keep you updated as we receive any additional information about this idea moving forward.

Thank you!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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Julie Clark posted 5 months ago

Has the topic of control over the "volunteer now" button been updated? Would love to change the link for our page. Why is that not something site managers are able to control?

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KJ Weaver posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi TC,

Happy Wednesday!

I want to make sure I understand what parts of the homepage template elements you'd like to remove before I pass this suggestion along. I have it noted that you'd like to have control over the "Volunteer Now" button, but want to ensure your needs for changing the homepage are heard.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you,


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