Opportunity response export - emergency contact info

Posted 6 months ago by Miranda Martin

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Un Answered
Miranda Martin

Could you please add a column that includes emergency contact information for volunteers signed up for particular opportunities in the exported list? This is incredibly important. I have attached the export in reference for your convenience. 

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Sorted by
Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

I appreciate you following up on your suggestion and wanted to thank you for sharing the additional information with us! I have logged your most recent comments about this suggestion so that our development team can consider them for future enhancements. We'll be happy to keep you updated with any new information from our development team about this moving forward.

Have a great rest of your day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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Miranda Martin posted 4 months ago

I would like to revisit this product suggestion. The emergency contact information is the most important data in this sheet, yet I am having to manually enter that information every time I send our superintendent the list of registered volunteers. They do not have signal on site, so they cannot log in to see volunteer emergency contact information, which is a pretty big deal on a construction site.

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KJ Weaver posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

I appreciate you sending in your question and an example of the export you're referring to (it helped me a bunch when I was searching for it).

I see how adding a column to when you export Responses for an Opportunity can be immensely helpful and will share this idea with our Enhancement team for possible implementation in the future!

Thank you for sharing and I hope you have a fantastic day,


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