Calendar View

Posted 6 months ago by Miranda Martin

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Miranda Martin

I would like to, again, request a calendar view for volunteers when they are selecting shifts within an opportunity. At the very least, having these in descending order, with the soonest upcoming shift at the top of the column, and the further out shifts descending down one column, as opposed to the left-t-right layout that currently exists, would help volunteers ensure they are selecting the correct shift. As it currently stands, the selection menu is messy. 

Screenshot is of the menu in reference. 

2 Votes



Shonie K. posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

Thanks for adding this to our newer Amplify forum! It will bring it more to the forefront for other site managers to see and weigh in on, if they'd like. No movement has been made on this request quite yet, but there are a handful of site managers who definitely agree that this would be helpful for their volunteers. 

I'll be sure to update this forum thread if this request is taken! 




CX Specialist

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