CauseConnect Profile Editing

Posted 6 months ago by Nicole Funckes

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Nicole Funckes

Hi all! Wondering if you have had any requests to add profile editing abilities to the CauseConnect app? I think this would be very helpful, especially to those volunteers who only use the app. 

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Shonie K. posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Nicole,

That's a great question! We are hoping to add more abilities to further align what a user can do in a browser, but in the app, in the future. I will add your request here to our current list of items folks would like to see added or updated in the app in a future build.

More features within the mobile app are requests we do get from other site managers, so I am glad you posted this here for them to comment on to chime in on what they would also like to see.

I will update this thread if any movement is made on this, of course!




CX Specialist

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