Opportunity Duration

Posted about 1 month ago by Bri Quarfoot

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Bri Quarfoot

Please bring 'ongoing' back as an option - it switched to 'flexible' but now we need to but an expiration date in there which 1. looks messy since a big chunk of our opportunities don't end & 2. It's confusing to a volunteer who is interested to look and see this date, which means nothing and 3. It is more work for us to track what dates were put here so we remember to go back and move them forward as that date approaches so hours can be properly logged.

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 5 days ago Admin

Hi Bri, 

Thank you for adding this to the forum. I've gone ahead and recorded your suggestion. 

This might be something you have already thought of but I'd like to share this here just in case and for anyone else that may see this forum post. I recommend for opportunities that don't end to ether organize them yearly, quarterly/seasonally or monthly and detailing that in the title of the opportunity to support volunteers in navigating opportunities. For example: 2025 Garden Clean up, 2026 Garden Clean Up etc. This can also be beneficial on the backend for reporting purposes. 

I appreciate your input! 



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