Google Analytics - Stream ID for iOS and Android instances of each organization's instance of the Cause Connect apps

Posted 6 months ago by Collette Nakamyuka

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Collette Nakamyuka

In our GA profile, we do have 3 possible streams of volunteer activity that we would like to gather and analyze. We would like to obtain iOS and Android stream IDs to gather volunteer activity (behavior & metrics) for our HB instance of Cause Connect mobile apps.


Android - 

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Heather Adler

Heather Adler posted 5 months ago Admin

Hi there Collette, 

Thank you for taking the time to write in this request! I'll log the below in our enhancements notes to discuss at a future meeting: 

  • Client is asking for the ability to track activity that happens on the mobile app via Google Analytics (add Stream IDs for iOS and Android) 

Have a lovely rest of your week!

Heather Adler
Data Team Assistant Manager at Galaxy Digital

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