Separate email updates for Program Managers

Posted 6 months ago by Marisa Loury

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Un Answered
Marisa Loury

Our organization has multiple programs separated by region, and each program has about twenty program managers. The program managers each create and lead their own on-site opportunities. For example, we have a program for the city of Aurora, and then there are twenty program managers who each operate their own community gardens (in Aurora). When they create opportunities for their sites, our only options for notifications (regarding registrations, cancellations, etc) are for all 20 of our program managers to receive every update for every garden or to get no notifications at all. We turned off program-wide updates because it would amount to hundreds of emails that aren't all relevant.

Is there a way to keep the feature off that sends emails to every program manager in a program, and turn on a feature where only the site supervisor gets the registration and cancellation updates? 

Thank you! 

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Joan,

Thank you for sharing your support of this idea! I have added your words to our enhancement notes so that our team can review them as well when they are considering upcoming product enhancements to the site. We'll be happy to keep you updated with any updates that we receive about this idea moving forward.

Thank you and have a great day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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Joan Ambo posted 4 months ago

This would be fantastic! Our programs have multiple Program managers as well, and they have complained about their inboxes being flooded with irrelevant notices.

1 Votes

Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Marisa,

Thanks so much for clarifying that with me! I have added your suggestion to our existing enhancement notes which will be considered by our team during one of our upcoming product enhancement meetings. We will be happy to keep you updated if we receive any additional information about this idea moving forward.

Thank you and have a great rest of your day!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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Marisa Loury posted 6 months ago

Hi Jeff, 

Thanks for getting back to me! We would like these email notifications to go to individual Program Managers who are managing different community gardens, rather than to every program manager in a program. 

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Jeff Rodell

Jeff Rodell posted 6 months ago Admin

Hi Marisa,

Thank you for reaching out with your suggestion! Before I add your thoughts to our enhancement notes, I was hoping to clarify one piece of information. When you asked about a way to turn on a feature where only the site supervisor will receive updates, are you referring to the Site Managers such as yourself, or were you referring to the individual Program Managers who are managing different community gardens?

I appreciate any clarification that you can share and look forward to hearing from you!

Jeff Rodell (He/Him)
Client Onboarding Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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