
Posted 4 months ago by Melissa Fitzgerald

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Melissa Fitzgerald

Is there a way to alert a volunteer of something when they clock-in? If not, I'd appreciate your consideration of this request. I would like the option of providing volunteer specific alerts when a volunteer clocks-in. For instance, when animal therapy teams clock-in, I'd like to notify those volunteers of room numbers where they have been requested. I can see an alert option also being useful for important reminders, requirement deadlines, and event notifications.  

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Hilary Temple posted 3 months ago Admin

Thanks for the clarification! I will update this on the notes sent to our team for review. 

Have a wonderful day! 

Hilary T. 

Onboarding Team 

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Melissa Fitzgerald posted 4 months ago

I can see both volunteer and opportunity-specific alerts as being beneficial. 

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Hilary Temple posted 4 months ago Admin

Hi, Melissa! 

Thank you for sharing your enhancement suggestion. I think this would be a really neat way to alert volunteers to update! Did you want this to be volunteer specific, or opportunity specific? I note that you state volunteer specific, but I was not sure if you meant the individual or the type of opportunity they responded to!

I'll go ahead and log this request for our team to review, and if I hear any updates, I'll add those as well. 

Have a fabulous day!

Hilary T. 

Onboarding Team 

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