Waitlist in the API

Posted 3 months ago by Cody Jang

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Un Answered
Cody Jang

Hi all,

We'd like to be able to access the waitlist in the API. 

Number of people on the waitlist is a good proxy for demand in a shift, and would be a useful data point for us. For now, it appears there is no way to export this data or extract it via the API. We would like for it to be available.



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Katherine Stang posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi Cody, 

Thank you for taking the time to write in with this suggestion! I've added your suggestion to our list for review, and I'll let you know if there's any updates to the API for this.

Thank you again! 

All the best,

Katie S. she/her

Customer Experience Data Specialist
Galaxy Digital

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