Kiosk Options

Posted 3 months ago by Amanda Gunter

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Amanda Gunter

I use the kiosk check in/out for court-ordered volunteers. I am just now realizing there is a "Check in at start of shift” and “Check in at custom time” (for both start and end of shift) I need the ability to eliminate this option from the kiosk. We expect them to clock in and out at the time of arrival and exit of shift, and with this option, sneaky volunteers have begun to work around these expectations without staff knowing. It is also hard to prove misconduct because the system still marks it as "kiosk entry." This is a change that needs to be changed as soon as possible, please!!! 


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Tricia Mohney posted 12 days ago

This is a feature that we need, as well. Some of our volunteers like Court Ordered and staff who use the software to log their hours shouldn't have an option to change their time at the kiosk. Thank you. 

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Abby Torrice

Abby Torrice posted 2 months ago Admin

Hi Amanda. 

Thank you for submitting this to the forum. I can see how having this would be helpful to track volunteer kiosk check in more closely. We appreciate your feedback! I've recorded this for discussion in future enhancement meetings.  

Have a great day! 


Abby Torrice 

Onboarding Specialist 

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