Ability to schedule teams after date has passed

Posted about 2 months ago by Miranda Martin

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Miranda Martin

We exclusively use teams internally, but we still prefer to track groups using teams so we can see how many hours a particular organization has contributed over time, etc. Ideally we are creating these teams and adding them to a shift ahead of time, but sometimes the ball gets dropped. Even when this happens, though, we would still like to be able to schedule that team retroactively so we can add members to the team and add hours to team members in bulk. 

Currently, we are unable to assign teams to expired shifts. Can you please adjust this?

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Shonie K. posted 19 days ago Admin

Hi Miranda,

Good morning! You are correct -- there is not currently a way to add team responses after an opportunity or shift has passed. I will add your thoughts here to our current insights on this request, as we have heard this from other site managers in the past.

In the meantime, I would recommend utilizing the User Groups features on your site! Teams are great for knowing who and how many folks from a group are coming to volunteer, but user groups are great for being able to report on their collective hours over time. There is not great reporting on teams at the moment, but user groups have a few options in the Reports area.

Thanks again,


CX Specialist

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