Permanently "Link" Team and User Group

Posted 3 months ago by Christopher Easley

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Christopher Easley

Hi Galaxy Digital Amplify team-

We have a number of teams with members who need to be associated with a specific User Group, but where it doesn't make sense for the Team Leader to have access to the whole User Group. For example, Amazon:

  • We need a User Group so our philanthropy department can track the total hours that all Amazon personnel volunteer in any given time period.
  • It doesn't make sense for Amazon Team Leaders to have access to that User Group, as they are coming from different warehouses/ locations. Each Team Leader needs to only see their own Team.
  • So, we have multiple Team Leaders creating multiple Teams, all of which need to have their Team members populated into the Amazon User Group, before each volunteer shift (so that the User Group association is recorded correctly at check-in).
  • But, there is no way to automatically "link" these Teams to the User Group, such that new users added to any one of the Teams will be automatically added to the User Group. Instead, we have to manually go into each of the teams, export the User IDs, and copy them into the User Filter to populate them into the User Group.

Because of our scale (91k+ total users), we have over 50 such User Groups. Currently, we are performing the manual process to populate each of these User Groups with their respective Teams' members on a weekly basis. But this is imperfect and can still lead to Team members being excluded from the User Group. Here's an example:

  • Monday: Manual export of Team members User IDs to populate them into User Group
  • Tuesday: Team Leader adds a late-sign-up volunteer, Les Latecomer
  • Wednesday: The volunteer shift day! Our amazing Team checks in, but Les Latecomer is not in the User Group and so his hours are not associated with the User Group.

Our suggestion: Make it possible to "link" a Team and a User Group, so that any user added to the Team is automatically added to the linked User Group.

Thank you for looking at this possibility!

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Ryan Rose posted 2 months ago Admin

Hello there,

Thank you for posting and sharing.

Though Tracks allow you to automatically assign a user to a set User Group, there is not a current means to achieve a link between a Team and a User Group.

I will provide this suggestion to our team to consider for implementation. We will update this page if there are any updates in this process.

Thank you for your time and detailed post.

All the best,

Ryan R. | he/him

Data Specialist

Galaxy Digital

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